Saturday, 27 December 2014

It's Christmas Time!

La inceputul lunii decembrie era in voga aceasta poza care spunea ca "You have one month to finish the book of 2014. Make the last chapter a perfect one.". Aparent, probabilitatea sa vezi aceasta poza pe o retea de socializare era foarte mare, intrucat, probabil, toti sperau si gandeau ca aceasta este sansa lor sa isi salveze, intr-un fel sau altul, anul 2014 (care poate nu a mers excelent).

Nu o sa vorbesc inca despre ce a insemnat anul 2014 pentru mine, deoarece obisnuiesc sa fac asta pe data de 1 ianuarie, cand reflectez bine la ceea ce a trecut si ceea ce va urma, insa pot vorbi despre luna decembrie, pe care si eu eram foarte hotarata sa o fac sa fie "perfecta", probabil datorita faptului ca imi plac finalurile fericite. Pot spune cu mandrie ca aceasta luna a fost, intr-adevar, plina de aventuri si momente frumoase. Ce este mai incantator decat perioada sarbatorilor, colindelor, cozonacilor si ciocolatei calde? Hm, asa este, perioada in care regasesti toate astea + ziua ta de nastere. And that is called, my friends, December! 

Caritatea a dominat in ultimele trei saptamani, iar asta mi-a umplut sufletul de bucurie si pace. Totul a inceput cu spectacolul de ziua liceului, pe care l-am organizat si in scop caritabil, iar apoi a avut loc primul eveniment organizat de Interact, targul de Craciun din Sf. Sava! Aici fiecare dintre noi s-a pregatit cum a putut mai bine pentru a strange si a dona cat mai multi banuti copiilor orfani. Eu am invatat sa fac lumanari si au prins destul de bine, as putea chiar incerca sa fac o mica afacere din asta... E doar o idee. De asemenea, am avut un show de street dance (primul meu show, yay!) pentru copiii cu deficiente in vedere. Pe langa faptul ca m-am simtit foarte bine sa dansez pe o scena, am fost si cuprinsa de emotie cand i-am vazut pe toti acei copii. Sentimentul pot spune ca s-a reluat, intrucat peste putin timp am fost in vizita la un orfelinat, de unde, avand in vedere ca nu m-am putut abtine, am plecat in lacrimi. E putin sfasietor pe interior sa vezi toti acei copii defavorizati, stii? Macar pleci impacat ca ai facut fapte bune pentru ei. :)

Pe plan personal, luna aceasta a fost o avalansa de emotii! E uimitor cum sentimentele ti se pot schimba cat ai pocni din degete. Am decis sa fac pace cu toate persoanele cu care aveam neintelegeri, pentru ca nu se merita sa fii certat cu cineva in perioada Craciunului, iar acest lucru nu mi-a facut decat bine. A fost si ziua mea de nastere, de asemenea. Am pornit cu gandul ca "o data fac 17 ani!" si am ajuns sa fac lucruri care nu sunt deloc genul meu, insa nu am absolut niciun regret, ba chiar sunt foarte multumita de actiunile mele. Acum totul este "settled down", apele s-au mai linistit, iar gandurile mele sunt iar puse in ordine. 

Momentan tot ce pot sa spun este ca stau linistita in pat, cu noul meu laptop in brate si scriu aceasta postare, in timp ce privesc pe geamul imens din fata mea muntii, brazii si valea incarcata de casute cufundate in zapada. Foarte multa zapada. Totul e alb. Ce culoare frumoasa. M-as muta aici si nu m-as mai intoarce niciodata in Bucuresti! Voi nu?

Take care! 

~ Tori

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Change is Always a Good Idea

There I am, in the moment of my life when I just want to sit down and have a good think on my past life, especially my past year. Sometimes this kind of moments appear when something is over, no matter if it's a season, a TV series, an year, a book, a friendship or a relationship. I can put myself in the last category, as I have just come out of a relationship that consumed most of my time and that easily took control over many aspects of my life, including my natural behaviour. It is amazing, actually, how it takes only a couple of seconds to change all your feelings for someone and not to care anymore. I can say that it's only once you are free from the situation, that you realise how messed up the situation really was. This is what is happening to me right now, but I am kind of thankful for it, since it makes me gain experience and be more careful in my future interactions. This long, deep reflection makes me see unseen things, and by seeing them I get really frustrated at the person I use (used from now on, I hope) to be sometimes. It is like all my strenght, confidence, uniqueness and power were taken throughtout a period of time by someone who made me loose sight of who I really am. However, now I am glad that it is over and I do feel that I become Tori again and that enchants me a lot!

By stepping out of a situation, inevitably there is another chapter opened for you and all you have to do is to embrace the change and show that courageous and spontaneous side that you have. Change is good for us people. It makes us see the world in many different ways, it makes us experience some of the life's pleasures and, most important, it makes us run from routine, which is the number one enemy in our lives. Change is linked with time, so that you don't have time to stick to some situation for so long, because time is precious, and so are you. 

I'm happy with the decisions I made and I feel that I'm finally free from an invisible monster that gave me the illusion of being happy. It was a subconscious big monster that limited my being, separating me from my natural self. I'm open now to new roads, new adventures and new memories. After all, winter comes with lots of surprises, right?

Finally, my best advice for everyone my age is not to waste time on things they do not feel comfortable with and to take advantage of all the opportunities that appear. There are many, many opportunities at this age and it's so bad we just let them go. I suggest that we should just run & catch them and whatever happens next, it's good to know that at least we tried. :)

Take care!